Current Version: September 23, 2024

Summary of Terms and Conditions

Mercado Libre is a technology company that offers services mainly linked to e-commerce and digital payments.

  • The Marketplace is an e-commerce platform where Users can sell and buy products using different payment and shipping solutions.
  • At Marketplace VIS, we connect people interested in transacting vehicles, real estate, and services with potential sellers.
  • Mercado Pago is a payment and collection platform that can be used both for operations carried out within the Marketplace and outside it, with the understanding that Users agree to receive the money resulting from their sales on the Mercado Pago platform or in any company within their economic group. indistinctly.
  • Mercado Envíos is the technological tool we offer so that Users can send and receive their purchases made on sites or applications that use Mercado Libre's technology.
  • We also offer other services such as Mercado Shops, Mercado Ads, Mercado Créditos, among many others, all with the same purpose: to democratize commerce and financial services in the region.

In order to operate on the platform, all Users must accept the Terms and Conditions, the annexes and the Privacy Statement.

Each User is responsible for the personal data provided at the time of registration and is obliged to keep it updated. In addition, you are solely responsible for the use and safeguarding of your password.

In some cases, we may charge a fee for the use of the services that make up the Mercado Libre ecosystem, which the User agrees to pay.

1- Mercado Libre

Mercado Libre is a technology company that offers services mainly linked to e-commerce and digital payments.

The services offered by Mercado Libre on the and sites and its mobile applications (hereinafter: "Site") are designed to form an ecosystem that allows people to sell, buy, pay, ship products and perform other commercial activities with applied technology (hereinafter: "MELI Ecosystem").

2- Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions and the annexes that explain the services of the MELI Ecosystem (hereinafter: "Terms and Conditions") regulate the relationship between Mercado Libre and the people who use its services ("Users").

Users accept these Terms and Conditions from the moment they register on the Site and use the MELI Ecosystem, thus accepting the annexes and the Privacy Statement, provided for in these Terms and Conditions.

Regarding the use of the payment processing service provided by the MELI Ecosystem through the Mercado Pago platform operated by MP Agregar, S. de R.L. de C.V., Users accept that at the time of registering on the Site, they accept the terms and conditions of the opening of a Mercado Pago Standard account. provided for in section 12 of these Terms and Conditions.

When we need to make important changes to our services, we will post the changes 10 calendar days in advance so that Users can review them and continue using the MELI Ecosystem. In no case will they affect operations that have already been completed.

Users who have no outstanding obligations with Mercado Libre or with other Users may terminate the relationship with Mercado Libre by cancelling their account.

3- Capacity

Our services may be used by persons of legal age who have the legal capacity to contract.

Anyone who uses the MELI Ecosystem on behalf of a company must have the capacity to contract on behalf of the company. In addition, in order to use the account, the User must be active.

4- Registration and Account

Anyone who wants to use our services must complete the registration form with the required data. By completing it, you agree to do so accurately, precisely and truthfully and to keep your data always up to date. The User will be solely responsible for the accuracy of their registration data. Without prejudice to the information provided in the form, we may request and/or consult additional information to corroborate the identity of the User.

The account is personal, unique and non-transferable, that is, under no circumstances can it be sold or assigned to another person. It is accessed with the personal security password that you have chosen and that you must keep under strict confidentiality. The User may create Collaborating Accounts and define their access permissions. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for the transactions carried out on their account. In the event of detecting an unauthorized use of your account, you must immediately and reliably notify Mercado Libre.

We may reject a registration request or cancel an already accepted registration, without this giving rise to the right to compensation. Users who have been previously disqualified may not register again on the Site. Nor will those who are included in or related to persons included in national or international sanctions lists be able to register. Learn more. 

In addition, if we detect the use of more than one account, we may apply withholdings, debits and/or any other measure if we consider that such action may harm the rest of the people who use the Site or Mercado Libre, beyond the sanctions that may apply.

5- Data privacy

At Mercado Libre we use personal information responsibly, protecting the privacy of the Users who entrusted us with their data and taking the necessary measures to guarantee security in our MELI Ecosystem. Learn more about our Privacy Statement.

6- Access to Other Business Information

In addition to what is provided in the previous sections, Mercado Libre provides tools, applications and services based on other commercial information provided by Users and/or generated when using the services of the MELI Ecosystem, to help Sellers optimize their sales, increase their volume and manage their business. We may also use it to offer Users promotions, products and services of other companies or co-branded, it may also be used in fraud prevention programs and other measures aimed at increasing the security of the Marketplace, Users and compliance with the Terms and Conditions. Learn more about our Access to Information policy.

7- Sanctions

In the event that the User fails to comply with a law or the Terms and Conditions, we may warn, suspend, restrict or temporarily or permanently disable their account, without prejudice to other sanctions that are established in the particular rules of use of Mercado Libre's services.

8- Responsibility

Mercado Libre will be responsible for any defect in the provision of its service, to the extent that it is attributable to it and to the extent provided for in the laws in force.

9- Rates

Mercado Libre may charge for its services and the User agrees to pay for them on time.

We may amend or eliminate fees at any time with the notice set out in clause 2 of these Terms and Conditions. In the same way, we may modify the rates temporarily for promotions in favor of Users.

The User authorizes Mercado Libre to withhold and/or debit existing and/or future funds from his/her Mercado Pago account and/or from the bank accounts he/she has registered therein, to settle unpaid fees or any other debt he/she may have.

To find out the details of the rates for each service, Users should consult the corresponding terms and conditions.

In all cases, the invoice will be issued in accordance with the tax data that the people have charged to their account.

10- Intellectual Property

Mercado Libre and/or its related companies are the owners of all intellectual property rights over their sites, all their content, services, products, trademarks, trade names, logos, designs, images, advertising phrases, copyrights, domains, computer programs, codes, developments, software, databases, information, technology, patents and utility models, designs and industrial models, trade secrets, among others ("Intellectual Property") and are protected by national and international laws.

Although Mercado Libre grants permission to use its products and services in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, this does not imply an authorization to use its Intellectual Property, except with the prior and express consent of Mercado Libre and/or its related companies. In any case, the selling users who use such products and services may not use Mercado Libre's Intellectual Property in a way that causes confusion in the public and must carry out their commercial activity under their own distinctive trademark or trade name, which is not confused with the Mercado Libre brand and its "Mercado" family of brands. following the guidelines of the Legal Brandbook.

It is forbidden to use our products or services for illegal purposes, to carry out any type of reverse engineering or derivative works, to use search tools or to extract data and content from our platform for reuse and/or to create our own databases that include all or part of our content without our express authorization. Improper use, without authorization and/or contrary to current regulations and/or that generates confusion or implies denigrating use and/or that causes damage, damage or losses to Mercado Libre and/or its related companies is also prohibited. The use of Mercado Libre's products and services does not imply authorization to use the intellectual property of third parties that may be involved, the use of which will be the sole responsibility of the user. 
In the event that a User or any publication infringes the Intellectual Property of Mercado Libre or third parties, Mercado Libre may remove such publication in whole or in part), sanction the user in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and exercise the corresponding extrajudicial and/or judicial actions.

11- Indemnity

The User shall hold Mercado Libre and its related companies, as well as those who direct, succeed, manage, represent and/or work in them, harmless from any administrative or judicial claim initiated by other Users, third parties or by any Organization, related to their activities in the MELI Ecosystem. 
By virtue of this responsibility, they may make compensation, withholdings or other measures necessary for the reparation of losses, damages and losses, whatever their nature.

12- Appendices

In addition to these Terms and Conditions, each MELI Ecosystem service has its own rules of use: 

13- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by local law. Any dispute arising from its application, interpretation, execution or validity shall be resolved by the competent ordinary national courts, sitting in the capital, except as specifically provided for in rules of public order, such as consumer law. For all purposes related to these Terms and Conditions and the use of the site, de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. with RFC DCM991109KR2, establishes as domicile Blvd. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 161, Pisos 14 y 15, Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, 11520 Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico.